I tease Greg because while I most certainly have the heavier Michigan "twang", he has been known to frequently answer, "You betcha!" (the common form of "No problem!" up here)
Well, today, here's what I overheard in the kitchen:
Greg: "Hey buddy (Micah), will you bring your plate in here to me?"
Micah: "You betcha!"
Here's another little conversation I had with him just a day or two ago:
Mommy: "Wow, Micah! You're making me play-doh carrot soup!"
Micah: "Yep. It has carrots and broccoli in it and I always put broccoli in my carrot soup." (Thinking to myself: 'Broccoli? You hate broccoli! And isn't this the first time you've ever made play-doh carrot soup?')
Mommy: "Oh, I can't wait to eat it! Are you going to eat some, too?"
Micah: "No. I'm the one who cooks it and you are the woman who eats it."
12 years ago