Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where to begin...

Well, since Savannah's birthday (and the last post), my Dad came to visit, Greg went to Florida, Micah re-visited the ER and Savannah's new favorite song is "If You're Happy and You Know It" and our computer had to be reset to it's factory settings (which basically means we lost all software we loaded and any pics or docs we've saved since we bought it last Nov. Fun, fun ,fun.)

SO - I'll start with the ER visit - The morning after Greg left for a five day trip to FL, Micah was dancing around (or something) on the kitchen floor and tripped over his PJ pants. I heard him fall and then heard him scream, but honestly, I was thinking he just knocked his knee and was overreacting a bit. I went over to hold him on the couch and looked down only to see lots of blood on my shoulder. Wow. OK, so what's bleeding? His right ear. Immediately I knew he would need stitches. SO...after calling my pediatrician and throwing on the nearest pair of jeans on my floor we were off to the ER downtown. Thankfully my dear friend Sarah lives only a couple minutes from the hospital and she was able to take Savannah for the morning. Anyway, I'll spare you all the details of the hospital visit, but in short, our Peds ER is awesome and three stitches later we were off and enjoying a happy meal at McDonald's. They gave me a stitch-removal kit, so Greg and I were able to take them out last weekend at the house, which saved us another trip to the doctor and another bill :) He's doing great and it looks like his ear is healing up just fine. He'll probably have a scar for awhile, but we are just so thankful that it was his ear and not his eye or head. God is good.

There is much more I would like to include at this point about funny things he's said or cute things Savannah's done, but I will have to report all these to you in another post. Like I said, we're down to one computer while we're getting the other one up and running and Greg needs to do a bit of work on this one before tomorrow...

SO, love to you all and happy Palm Sunday :)