Here in the Duvall household, we are celebrating Micah's first step towards diaper-free living. He has now gone peepee in the potty several times, both here at the house AND at the mall in the kiddie potty in the family restroom. He was especially proud of that one because he got to stand up and go potty like Daddy :) We are certainly no where near completion on "project potty", but we're on our way!! Any suggestions from those who have done this before us?? We're all ears!
12 years ago
Hopefully project potty will be completed by the time the 2nd little Duvall comes around so you won't have two kids in diapers...ugh.
I have 3 suggestions: don't rush it, have lots of patience and invest in some good rags. :) I might sound a little negative since I have cleaned up 4 "accidents" today from a girl we thought was ready last October. It can be a great process or very trying. So exciting to head that direction though. Most kids catch on a lot quicker than our babe.
No clue about the potty stuff. I'm just impressed he'll go in places other than home! I don't even like doing that...ha! You're loved!!
way to go micah! hopefully he will will keep it as "project potty" and not turn in to "project bedroom" or some other unfortunate place!
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