Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Christmas and beyond...

He loves getting his haircut at the neighbor's house...he gets a sucker, a race car cape, and doesn't even have to ride in his car seat to get there...what a deal! :)

Micah's first midget snowman...we've got WAY more snow to work with now.
As of January 20...almost a month ago :)
Loving on "Nani", his canine cousin
Practicing for the Van Cliburn
Our little angel
Micah with Papa and Mimi out at their ranch in the TX hill country
G & S at John and Suzie's wedding reception
The Duvall Brothers at John's wedding

Greg, Randy, Steve and kiddos

The Duvall family in San Antonio at Meemaw's house

I told you some pics were coming :) Most are going to be uploaded to Snapfish, but I'll post a couple here, as well, just to tickle your fancy. (And since I know that most of you only check this blog so you can see pictures of Micah. It's OK...really...I'm dealing with it.)

Anyway, here are a few posts from Christmas and beyond to give you an idea of the past couple months. For those of you who want some prego pics, the most recent is from my B-day on Jan. 19th, so I'm much more pronounced and uncomfortable now. On that note, my Bible Study has been going through Beth Moore's "Believing God" study (knocks your socks off) and today's lesson was on Joshua 10 where in the midst of battle Joshua prays that God would extend the daylight hours so they could continue fighting. God heard the prayer of his desperate servant and the sun stood still for another twenty-four hours. Incredible. Anyway, my application is that if the LORD Most High can slow down the earth for twenty-four hours, He can most assuredly speed it up so that I reach my due date a bit earlier than a traditional 6 more weeks. Are you with me on this? :) So I'm praying not for the sun to stand still, but that we would see it blitz through the sky to bring us to the blessed date of March 23 a bit quicker. I know, I know, I could just pray the baby come a bit earlier, too...but where's the fun in that when the LORD could show Himself mighty by speeding up the earth's rotation? Hey, I dare you to pray with me :)

(OK - For those of you who don't know me well, don't worry. I won't actually be praying for the above mentioned roller coaster ride on earth. So, don't go out and buy yourself some heavy boots or something to keep yourself from slinging off the planet when God speeds up time. I have no doubt He could do it, though :)
One more Micahism to add to the list in the post below:
I got him some "Cars" magnets from the dollar bin at Target and when Greg got home, Micah says, "Daddy, Mommy got cars stickers, two bucks." What?! :) So now when we ask how much something is, he says, "two bucks."


Greg and Shawna said...

I've decided to post my own comment...kind of like how the piano players put a couple of their own dollars in the tip jar to give others the "bright" idea of leaving them a token or two as well. I'll just keep on playing that melody :)

Chrissy and Jonathan said...

Micah has the funniest look of pure satisfaction on his face in the photo of him getting his hair cut and getting a lollipop. We love it!

And of course, we love that he appears to like his mini Nani too!

Chrissy and Jonathan said...

we like all the photos you put up. I am amazed how you have time to post the blogs..our blogs usually only get posted because chrissy puts them up. Also... chrissy would appreciate it if you would have a girl. Now that maryetta is having a boy, chrissy is hoping she can have a niece thrown in the mix.