Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Count Your Blessings, Name Them One by One"

No pictures today...I'm not in the mood. I've been in pre-labor since last Friday, packed our bags, called the doctor and thought way more than once, "this could be it!"...but alas, here I sit, typing away and waiting for a few solid contractions to send us on our way. What a lesson in waiting! One I need to learn, I'm sure.
SO...despite bouts of discouragement, I have been reflecting on all the big and small miracles God has performed in our lives in the past week or so. Naming them gives me encouragement and joy and hopefully will do the same for you...
1) As I posted a couple weeks ago, we were in need of a new vehicle since the ole' Camry needs some major work. SO, we decided that the Saturday before last would be our car shopping day. In the midst of the whirlwind we hadn't quite decided what to do with the little guy while we were out at the dealers...I guess just take him with and strap in the car seat when we test drove? BUT, Saturday morning we get a surprise phone call from one of students at our church that has become a dear part of our lives. She randomly called and asked if she could "borrow" Micah for the day...She took him to the children's museum, then to his favorite fast food joint (need I say the name?) then back home to watch a video while we went to the bank and the Honda dealer. What a blessing!! We got SO much more done than we had thought.
2) Next blessing (and this story could take quite awhile, so I'll give you the reader's digest version). Our neighbor alerted us to a Honda Odyssey listed on Craig's list. We go and look at it and decide to spend some time praying about whether or not this was the right decision. Long story short, we were INCREDIBLY blessed by the seller and his family as they significantly lowered the price for no other reason than generosity and good will. It was such a wonderful experience and Greg and I are still shaking our heads at how God provided such a perfect vehicle for our family in such a short period of time. It's truly a gift from His Hand.
3) More blessings I said, I've been experiencing a fair amount of labor pains and discomfort since Friday. Greg was awesome all weekend helping out but I wasn't sure how I would handle taking care of Micah this week. Leave that to the Lord...
Monday, my dear friend in town came over with her toddler for a play date. She ended up putting him down for a nap here and cleaned my entire house. Seriously. AND, she brought over four different meals frozen in zip locks so I can't cook right now. This was a HUGE mental, emotional and physical help to me. She is so selfless and giving.
4) THEN, on Tuesday I went to B-study for our final meeting/brunch and they sent me home with MORE yummy food and one sweet Sister offered to come over on Friday if I'm not in labor by then and help around the house.
5) Wednesday (today), I took Micah to the library for the storytime and activity day and he loved it. I got home to several different phone calls and emails from people saying they were praying for me and just checking in. Micah went down for a long nap.
6) Then the same gracious student from church showed up at my door to babysit Micah for the afternoon and evening!! HELLO?! This was so awesome because Greg has a major Marketplace Ministries conference going on this week and wasn't planning on being home until after 10 tonight. Praise the Lord - He is totally taking care of my every need.
7) In addition, the co-leaders for our Wednesday night Bible study offered to have it at their house, so I don't have to host anything here and can lay low tonight on the couch (or Lord willing, the hospital bed :)
SO...yes. We are blessed. In the midst of a trying waiting period, I am continually reminded that "...those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength..." I've also been claiming Ps. 42, "God will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life...Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God."
So we wait. We wait with expectant hope. We wait in renewed strength. We wait with groans and cries of desperation, and yet we wait resting in His able arms of lovingkindness. We wait with open hands. We wait with a mouthful of praise and blessing. We wait in thanksgiving for what He has done and the wonders He most certainly will do. He is God and there is none other. Praise Him!


Kelli said...

I love the blessings list. Praying for you. (Blogging and watching American Idol, too).

Chrissy and Jonathan said...

I didn't see this until today.

New blessing: Savannah!