Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh MY!!
Here's a shot from over a month ago...seems like a lot longer than that, though.
The leaves are long gone and inches of snow is covering the ground. The Christmas tree is up...It's good time of year.
We've been busy, busy, busy with two kiddos...we also had to get a new computer, thus delaying blog entries. I hope to get more regular at this, however.
In October the kids and I (Shawna) went with my Dad and Margo to Disney World in Florida. It was a great trip and Micah's eyes were wide open to the wonder of Magic Kingdom and beyond. I think his favorite, however, was meeting Mickey, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Eyore. November we headed on a whirlwind family tour. We visited my Dad's new house in Gig Harbor, WA then to Dallas to see my mom and extended family. My Grandma also came and stayed with us at my mom's, which was an added blessing. I also got to catch up with some dear friends.
Right now Greg's mom, brother, and our youngest niece, Melanie, are up for a visit and getting more than they bargained for in the form of snow :) We're having a great time with them, though.
That's all for now...more later when I download more pics.
Real Quick: I realize that in this season of life I find myself saying things and putting sentences together that are outright ridiculous...Here are a few, but I seriously need to keep a record going.
1) Micah, let's not use the duster to clean off the sweet potato on Mommy's sock.
2) Micah, please don't trap your sister under the laundry basket.
3) It's OK if the baby sucks on the drill (Micah's plastic one, of course :)
Shawna, I hope you don't mind that Katie (Mish) sent me your link...congrats on your beautiful little Savannah. Micah is getting so big and definitely has your eyes. I hope you are all doing well and are staying healthy. Feel free to visit:
Take care!
haha...I love hearing the sayings that are going around your house.
And I love that photo of Greg, Micah, and Savannah. It is so cute!!
Can't wait for the next time when I get to see my adorable niece and nephew. I hope it's soon!
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