Friday, November 9, 2007

The Cove

Not the best shot of me, but for those of you who have been asking for a prego's one for ya'. I have to say, though...that shirt is doing a great job of hiding a very out there belly. I guess I should wear it more often.

A blurry shot of us on our hike in the woods.

Greg standing on the deck of the training center

View off the balcony/deck of the training center.

In front of the HUGE fireplace in the lodge

Greg and I recently got the chance to get away together for the first time in over two years. My dad and Margo graciously offered to come watch Micah for four days as we flew to Asheville, North Carolina to Billy Graham's Training Center. Marketplace Ministries had their annual conference for business leaders and we were offered the opportunity to attend...and we're SO glad we were able to go. Greg asked me what my favorite part of the weekend was and I said, "that everything far exceeded my expectations." Seriously, from the moment we drove into The Cove until the moment we left it was a a time of renewal. Renewal of the mind, body, spirit and marriage. The food was outstanding and I didn't have to cook or clean anything :) Our room opened up to a forest full of changing leaves and the high hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Greg and I were able to take walks and spend time being quiet together in the wonder of creation. The speakers were outstanding as they taught God's truth from His Word. We soaked it in. I think just being in a place so drenched in prayer was rest for our souls. At the Cove, the peace of God runs deep. Truly, a taste of what awaits us in Heaven.


Chrissy and Jonathan said...

Wow, it looks like it was amazingly beautiful there. I'm so glad the two of you got a chance to get away and spend some time together getting renewed and refreshed. You're so cute in your blue shirt, Shawna, and of course, you still look teeny to me. As far as you saying that it hides a belly that is very much present, I've heard that 2nd pregnancies show earlier and more than 1st ones. Does that seem true for you?

Anonymous said...

Shawna & Gregg,
You may get two posts as I just got done writing one and it gave me an error message that I didn't have an account. So I created a new one and amd writing again. Old farts are SOOO not with it!
Anyway, NC looks stunningly beautiful! When I first looked, I was thinking, " gee, doesn't look like Michigan to me". Then I read further on- Duh! Glad you were able to be rejuvenated. Remember to do that again after # 2 shows up.
Speaking of which, you don't look too preggers just yet. What month are you in?
Please send me that link to view the apple orchard shots. I saw some pumkin patch shots but don't recall if I saw orchard shots unless they were in whith the mechanical milking cow shots.
Any snow yet? The leaf shots were great. Brought back many memories; one of which was the smell of burning leaves- one of the greatest smells ever!!!

Uncle Dan

drummerwife said...

I am so happy for you all. That Micah is as cute as humanly possible. Sean and the rest of the 'Truckstop Junkies' are in Nashville this week to record their first album for Shiner Records. Shawna, your brother is an absolute darling! Hugs and smooches to you all!