Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disney on Ice

Strike a pose...there's nothing to it - vogue.

"Knock, knock"..."who's there?"..."Ima"..."Ima who?"..."Ima big boy laughing at this joke."


"Greg sitting on his first elevated toilet seat (No, I didn't get it for him.)

"Hey, Mickey!"

"On our Disney date"

February ended with a bang and March, no doubt, will follow in suite. Greg turned the big 4-0 and we had a fun surprise party to celebrate him :) Micah and I had a hot date to Disney on Ice with my friend Sarah and her son. LOVED it. Next week Savannah will turn ONE (ah!) and Greg and I complete year number 5 of marital bliss.

Here are a couple shots to show you what's been going on...


The Smiths said...

I can't believe it has been a year already! I love the pictures Shawna! Happy Birthday to Greg and Savanah.

Rebecca said...

I miss you! Thanks for the pics - you all look so good!