It's 7:22 am and I hear "MOM!" I'm in there by 7:25 only to be questioned by a two year old as to why I wasn't there sooner. Pardon me, oh little one. I will try better next time. He then notified me that we had gone poo poo, so my "cup of coffee" this morning was a very stinky diaper.
Breakfast was oatmeal that was too hot and spilled as I took it out of the microwave. When Micah finally finished eating, I had just begun sitting down to my breakfast. I got up to wipe him down and get him out of his chair and he was off. I decided I would have a little of Greg's leftover coffee still on the burner and as I was stirring in the creamer I hear, "Ready, set, GO!" Uh oh. Stabilize yourself. Then "Slam!" I am plowed into by a toddler full of energy with no signs of slowing down.
Since this morning is "Meijer Morning" (i.e. grocery shopping morning) I decide to forfeit a much needed shower in order to quick go through the grocery ad and clip the coupons I'll need. Micah gets out the sections of the newspaper he desires, namely all of them, and they are strewn all over the kitchen floor. He then looks at me and says, "poo poo again." OK, let's go. We change him and get him into clothes that match well enough for a trip to the store. I then quick try to finish my grocery list and realize that I'm still hungry and need protein. So I make a bagel, which, of course, I have to share with Micah as his big blues eyes look at me and say "Bite!" over and over again. OK...time to pull my hair into a ponytail, put on the only pair of jeans I have that fit. As I'm putting on a bit of makeup I smell a minty scent coming from the floor. "OH! Micah!! No Sir!" Daddy's Listerine is spilled all over the carpet. As I'm scrubbing that up, he quickly reminds me of the places where he dropped broken pieces of blush into the carpet as well. Thank you very much. We get that at least somewhat cleaned up and I remember I need to switch the laundry downstairs that has been sitting both the washer and dryer since yesterday. As I throw the last sock into the basket I look over and see that he has gotten into the sump pump drain in the corner of our basement that has chalky paint all over it. I also realize a giant wet spot of Listerine is on him as well. I strip him right there and throw his clothes in the existing mound and we go upstairs to find some clean jeans and a shirt. Then it's time to go on the shoe hunt. One shoe...YES! Where's the other shoe! Hurray we found it! NOW we can FINALLY get to the store. "OK, bud, let's get in the car!" Oh, wait. I have to put in the car seat we switched out yesterday. Here, let me get my big pregnant belly into the middle of the backseat of the Honda so I can sit in the carseat to put enough weight in it to be able to snap it in...There. Done. Now to get a reluctant, stiff, toddler into his seat. I apply force and we're off, right? Nope. I have to go to the bathroom. we can go. Nope. Where are the keys? Back in the house. Here they are and...WE'RE OFF!! Only two hours after we got up. So much for leaving early, but at least we'll probably still beat the crowds and get home in time for an early lunch.
We get to Meijer and about one quarter of the way through I realize I don't have my wallet. No money. You've got to be kidding me. I call Greg and the phone won't work inside that black hole. He wasn't planning on leaving the office anytime soon, here we go. Leave the cart at the entrance of the store and we're back in the car to zip home and zip back to finish what we had already started. SO, two hours later, we are finally arriving back home for a not-so-early lunch...but in all of that Micah was a gem. He made music with the mac and cheese boxes at the store, at all the marshmallows out of his "Lucky Charms" snack and occupied his time in line by snatching a Britney Spears update in one of the magazines. Finally, he got to ride the penny pony and couldn't have been happier. Now he's sleeping soundly so his battery can be recharged...something tells me I should be doing the same :)
I write this with a grin. Nothing too out of the ordinary about today...just one of those days that reminds you to laugh and thank God His strength is perfect. I can see the moms out there laughing with me (or at me, for those of you who have "paid your dues" mother.) and I hope for everyone else who actually takes the time to read this entry will find some kind of
reason to sit back and chuckle. Oh, the things our Heavenly Father must laugh at, too. I think He was smiling today :)