Here are a couple more sayings I've heard around the house the past few days...
"Mom, I want my yuffy chimes cereal" (lucky charms cereal)
"Moddy"... (a delightful combo of Mommy and Daddy when we're both in the room and he doesn't know exactly who he wants.)
"Mom, you're my best friend"
"Whoa. That's serious." (When we were watching this bubble guy perform at a special presentation at the library.
"Hey, guys!"
Sometimes when he's calling for Greg to get his attention, "Hey, Honey!"
Now, I'm not sure I should admit this one, but it's too funny...The other day I got mad at him about something and apparently must have looked a bit angry. Micah then asked, "Mom, why are you mad at me like King Herod?" What!? He must be referring to his Beginner's Bible where King Herod has an angry face. I quickly entered into a much-too-long-for-a-toddler discourse as to why I most certainly was not at all like King Herod...(God, help me.)
On Saturday Greg was letting Micah help put up some blinds in our room. Greg told him they'd have to wait before they could screw it in the wall. Micah's response was, "OK, I'm good with that."
When he sees a fly in the house he says (no, yells), "MOM! DAD! I see a bee! You need to spank it!"
12 years ago